Chemistry is all around us
Copyright 2015
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission
Reviews of Publication
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List of Reviews of Publication available
Actual didactics and didactics of chemistry
Author: Angelo Bonomi
Approach to mastery learning in a chemistry base course
Author: Sergio Anthoine-Dietrich, Ezio Cardani, Raffaele Pentimalli
Association of the On-line Italian Universities
Author: Not available
Chemistry in school and University: a possible future?
Author: Marco Franceschin
Chemistry in the Graduate Schools for Secondary School teachers
Author: Various authors
Author: Ilaria Graziosi
Does school need to be competitive?
Author: Various authors
Education and formation of adults between supply and demand
Author: Various authors
Author: Giuseppe Valitutti (Regional School Department of Marche)
Eight years of didactic chemistry laboratory
Author: Patrizia Dall’Antonia
High School students opinion about the scientific faculties
Author: Ulderico Segre (University of Modena e Reggio)
Inclusion of elements of chemistry in the secondary school
Author: Pierluigi Riani(University of Pisa)
Innovation of scientific teaching in the secondary school: the case of chemistry
Author: Carlo Fiorentini, CIDI President
Innovation paths in adult education
Author: Various authors
Author: Vittoria Gallina, referent for the IALS-SIALS survey in Italy
Language in Experimental Sciences and, particularly, in Chemistry
Author: Aldo Borsese (University of Genoa)
Life long learning: which prospects?
Author: Sergio Angori
National confederation of the Italian Popular Universities
Author: Not available
National Project for Scientific and Technological Education (PON-SeT)
Author: Giuseppe Marucci, Inspector of the project
On the image of chemistry and on its teaching
Author: Aldo Borsese (University of Genoa)
Pisa 2006 results: a first overview
Author: Various authors
Policy, research and tools to increase scientific and technological culture in Italian schools
Author: Various authors
Problem solving and cooperative learning in didactics of experimental sciences
Author: Marco Falasca, Antonella Martini, Loredana Nota Angeleri (ITIS “E. Majorana”, Grugliasco, Turin)
Author: Various authors
Scientific popularization, history and education: some reflections about the case of chemistry.
Author: Pierluigi Riani (University of Pisa)
Author: Aldo Borsese (University of Genova)
Spectacular chemistry. An unusual teaching approach for chemistry at school.
Author: Mauro Berretti (ITIS ‘B.Pascal’ Roma) Michele Debegnach (ITIS ‘E.Fermi’ Roma)
The “Scientific degrees” project
Author: Various authors
The image of chemistry ‘vs’ the chemistry science
Author: Valentina Domenici (University of Pisa)
The Scientific Degree Project (PLS) and its actions for Chemistry
Author: Ulderico Segre (University of Modena and Reggio)
The scientific vocation crisis and its explanation
Author: Massimiliano Bucchi (University of Trento) Federico Neresini (University of Padova)
Training and educational research: the role of the Division of Chemical Education
Author: Marilena Carnasciali, Aldo Borsese (University of Genova)
UPDOGE – Don Orione Popular University of Genoa
Author: Not available
Use of conceptual metaphors in teaching/learning chemistry models
Author: Angelo Bonomi
Author: Paolo Mirone (University of Modena and Reggio)