Chemistry is all around us
Copyright 2015
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission
Reviews of Publication
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Projekt Chemie – Neue Wege im Unterricht
Bildungsinitiative Chemie
National publication
The aim of the publication is to collect and analyze already carried out approaches and projects which had contributed to an improvement of chemistry teaching. The individual projects are assigned to the following categories:
• projects by universities for students
• projects of companies and organizations for students / teachers
• Projects in the field of chemistry education / Teacher Training
• projects in schools
• cross-project initiatives and competitions
• Projects from abroad
The presented case studies of successful and innovative actions shall compose a pool of ideas for the workshops of the Bildungsinitiative Chemie and initiate inter-regional learning processes. From a large number of individual projects, certain schools, universities and businesses were selected in multi-stage process of media analysis, database searches and interviews with experts. A compilation of successful projects in Germany for the improvement of chemistry teaching.
S. Prösel