Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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project information

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Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
DAA, Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie
Project's period (from/to):
01 2010 - 30 November 2010
WPs concerned:
WP 4 - Production of education and training material

Objectives of activities carried out:
- Analysing and structuring the material collected at the moment.
- Reading and commenting the draft of the transnational report.
- Preparing information material for adult learners
- Preparing second partners' meeting in Berlin
- Evaluating partners' meeting
- Acomplishing teachers interviews, adult learner' interviews and case studies
- Preparing internal meeting for dissemination activties
- Continuing the work on the educational package

Time period:
September 2010 - November 2010

Description of activities carried out:
WP1 : Writing the activities report
WP2 : Contacting teachers' training seminar to contact more teachers to particiipate in the interviews. Perparing an information seminar for adult learners to provide information and motivation to participate in the interviews.
WP3 : Reading and adding parts to the draft of the Transnational Report
WP4 : Identifying criteria for the review of the movies (Science in Science Fiction)
WP7 :Preparing material for teachers' training seminar in Michendorf

The required number of participating teachers could be reached, one teacher draw back his review and a new one had to be found. This turned out to be rather exhausting.
The case studies of the teachers were accomplished. The adult learners could be involved in the interviews and the seminar was successfully accomplished. The case studies of the adult learners were accomplished.
The second partner's meeting was prepared.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
As it turned out that after summer vacation some of the already aquired teachers were no longer able to participate, more schools had to be contacted. The acquisition was expanded to Brandenburg and Frankfurt/Oder, this had not been taken into account beforehead and was a rather time consuming task.
The conducted seminar for adult learners was quite successful and satisfying.
The partner's meeting was successful.
The teachers' training seminar could be successfully contacted.

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