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National educational standards or “the king’s new clothes” vs. the old national educational requirements
From: “Strategies for policy in science and education”, 2/2009, pp 181 – 191
Yanka Totseva, Natalia Vitanova
Paper, national journal “Strategies”
An observation and critical analysis of the law system in the field of education are presented in this paper in relation with the national educational requirements and the leading in of national educational standards. Visions about the possible difficulties in the implementation of the national educational requirements/standards are observed in the system of the school and the preschool education. Analysis of the relationship between the actual and foreseen in the project for law of school and preschool education and preparation educational requirements and standards are held in the paper. The work points at actual questions that were not taken into consideration while preparing the project for new law and gives suggestions about the precision of the terminology and enrichment of the methodology for constructing the national educational standards.
Milena Koleva
Department of chemistry and ecology, Technical university of Gabrovo
Assoc. Prof.