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43 th National conference of Bulgarian chemistry teachers
Borislav V. Toshev
Review (news), national journal “Chemistry”
The document is dedicated to the results from the 43 rd National conference in chemistry whose subject matter was “The European dimensions of the Bulgarian chemistry education”. Special emphasis was laid on the good practices in chemistry learning in secondary schools. For Europe, including Bulgaria, the following tendencies are identified:
• Acceleration of the integration processes in science, from which originates the necessity to pass over from a very narrow specialization to a wide profile preparation of the teachers;
• Continuous drop of young people’s interest in natural sciences and chemistry;
• Necessity of a balanced policy “ learning / education;
• Necessity of new instruments and appropriate techniques which could ensure high efficiency of the learning;
The conference analyzed some important society related problems and ,in the light of these tendencies, decided that the stress should be put on:
• Introduction of bilingual education in chemistry and environment protection;
• Necessity of a new formulation of the state requirements in education;
• Change in the organization and the leading of the matriculation in chemistry;
• Imposing of the two stage model for learning in the secondary school with underlined accent on the integral education in natural sciences in the first stage.
Milena Koleva
Department of Chemistry and Ecology, Technical University of Gabrovo
associated professor