Chemistry is all around us
Copyright 2015
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission
Reviews of Publication
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Chemist´s chaos,
Chemikův chaos
RNDr. Jitka Klouzkova,
PhD, Hana Cídlová, Eva Lomovcivová
Katedra chemie Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Brno
Webpage of the internet Methodical portal RVP (Framework Education Programme) with the methodical lists focused on the elementary and secondary schools pupils National
Methodical portal is organized by the Czech Pedagogic Research Institute in Prague and National Institution of Technical and Vocational Education. It is financed under European Social Fund project ESF OP VK and by the Ministry of Education (MEYS) of the Czech Republic under the state budget.
This particular webpage is focused on students who come in contact with chemistry for the first time. The methodical list teaches them the names and way of using of different chemical laboratory equipments and dishes.
The methodical list is describes visually chemical dishes and equipment. Interactive contact with the laboratory equipment better fix in students memory.
Anna Mittnerova
Department of Science and Research, ICT Prague
Member of CIAAU Research Team in ICT Prague