Chemistry is all around us
Copyright 2015
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission
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Correspondence Seminar Inspired by Chemical Thematics (KSICHT means “a face” in street Czech)
KSICHT (Korespondenční Seminář Inspirovaný Chemickou Tématikou)
Faculty of Nature, Charles University in Prague
Institute of Chemical Technology inPrague
Faculty of Nature, Masaryk University in Brno
Seminars organized by students of above mentioned institutions;
national level
Activities of university students towards their younger secondary school colleagues which are interested particularly in chemistry; four times a year, KSICHT publishes chemical quizzes for secondary school students; further it offers joint social events.
The idea is to attract more talented students, to show them the reality of science studies; positive activity that helps to open the door of science studies for young students.
Petra Kinzlova
Department of Science and Research, ICT Prague
Member of CIAAU Research Team in ICT Prague