Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Chemistry is all around us
Copyright 2015
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission

Educational Packages

Chemistry in Science Fiction

Science in Science Fiction

Step 1 - Exercises

Radiation plays an important role in the film “Atom Age Vampire”. Radiation is also a feature in these three films:
  1. The incredible shrinking man”,1957, black and white, 78 Minutes, director Jack Arnold. After sailing through a radio active fog, a man starts to shrink until he is only a few centimetres in size. The film shows in what dramatic ways his life changes and how he manages to survive and still stay human.
  2. Them”, 1954, black and white, 89 Minutes, director Gordon Douglas. In the desert of Nevada, where the USA have tested an atomic bomb, radioactive rays have turned small ants into gigantic dangerous monsters that kill everything they meet. A biologist gives the clue, and with military force the queens can be destroyed.
  3. Godzilla”, either the 1998 American science fiction film directed and co-written by Roland Emmerich or the 1954 original Japanese science fiction film directed and co-written by Ishirō Honda. Both films deal with a monster created by radiation.

Especially for the 50s and 60s, negative effects of atomic power and radiation were often used in science fiction and horror films. Why, do you think, this was the case? What do you think, has replaced atomic power and radiation as the “bad science” of yesterday in today's science fiction?

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