Partners' Institution:
Kirikkale University
Project's period (from/to):
01 March 2010 - 30 November 2010
WPs concerned:
WP 2 - Identification of barriers and success factors in Life Long Learning of scientific subjects

Objectives of activities carried out:
- Identification and review of 35 documents concerning the analysis and definition of LLL policies in scientific subjects

- Identification and review of 15 strategies concerning the analysis and definition of LLL policies in scientific subjects

Carrying out Case Studies with 10 secondary teachers of Chemistry subject and 10 adult learners.

Analysis and documentation of the case studies which were based upon the interviews with 10 secondary school teachers and 10 adult learners.

Time period:
March - November 2010

Description of activities carried out:
A total of 35 documents concerning the analysis and definition of LLL policies in scientific subjects with special emphasis on Chemistry were identified and reviewed.

A total of 15 initiatives concerning LLL in scientific subjects with special emphasis on Chemistry were identified and reviewed.

Chemistry teachers who want to participate the project were identified.

WP 2.3
-10 teachers of secondary school chemistry subject were interviewed.
-10 adult learners were interviewed.

WP 2.3
-Analysis and documentation of the Case studies of 10 secondary school teachers.
-Analysis and documentation of the Case Studies of 10 adult learners.

The reviews of all 35 identified documents were uploaded on the Chemistry is All Around Us Portal

The reviews of all 15 identified initiatives were uploaded on the Chemistry is All Around Us Portal

20 interviews towards the production of the Case Studies were done.

Production 20 Case studies

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The literature review was completed successfully and the reviews will be used for the production of the National Report.

The interviews constituted an important framework for the identification of main barriers to LLL of scientific sunjects.

The case studies have important information.