Partners' Institution:
Kirikkale University
Project's period (from/to):
01 March 2010 - 31 2010
WPs concerned:
WP 3 - Development of a European Strategy for the promotion of Life Long Learning in Scientific Subjects

Objectives of activities carried out:
-Identification of the barriers and challenges that affect the overall success of Life Long Learning in scientific subjects and production of a National Report

-Identification of strategies and approaches for dealing with the barriers and challenges in LLL of scientific subjects (especially Chemistry).

-Identification of the barriers that affect the success of LLL in scientific subjects.
-Identification of the initiatives, methodological approaches, didactical solutions.
-Development of a strategy for the promotion of LLL of scientific subjects.

Time period:
March - August 2010

Description of activities carried out:

-Creation of the first draft of the national report on lifelong learning in scientific studies.

-Creation of a powerpoint presentation about the national report on lifelong learning in scientific studies.

WP 3.1

-Turkish National Report has been produced on the basis of the literature review (documents and strategies) and the results from Case studies.

- The first draft of the national report on lifelong learning in scientific studies
- A powerpoint presentation about the national report

The national report was produced and sent to the project coordinator.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The work so far provided a general impression about the LLL of scientific subjects at the national level.