Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Chemistry is all around us

project information

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Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
University of Genoa
Project's period (from/to):
01 January 2011 - 28 February 2011
WPs concerned:
WP 6 - Monitoring and Evaluation

Objectives of activities carried out:
Evaluation of the project Portal by end users

Time period:
january 2011

Description of activities carried out:
WP 6.1
1) Ten adults with a different level of scientific knowledge and a good knowledge of english language have been chosen and asked to fill in the adult evaluation form. Ten teachers of science and chemistry with a good knowledge of english language have been chosen and asked to fill in the teacher evaluation form
2) Ten evaluation forms filled in by adults have been collected and analyzed. Ten evaluation forms filled in by teachers have been collected and analyzed.
3) The evaluation report has been produced on the basis of the evaluations forms filled in by adults and teachers. The twenty evaluation forms filled in have been annexed to the report

The evaluation of the portal has been very positive in the complex. People appreciated the overall organization and presentation of the project portal as well as the contents. The interest for the contents is high in the case of the educational packages because they contain simple but rigorous information about topics that stimulate interest and curiosity, such as environment, art, materials, everyday life, etc.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
People showed to be interested in the information uploaded on the project portal and teachers are going to use the training materials to enrich their teaching methodology

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