Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Chemistry is all around us

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Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
University of Genoa
Project's period (from/to):
01 March 2010 - 31 October 2010
WPs concerned:
WP 3 - Development of a European Strategy for the promotion of Life Long Learning in Scientific Subjects

Objectives of activities carried out:
- Identification, at European level, of the barriers that affect the overall success of Life Long Learning in scientific subjects, with specific reference to Chemistry;

- Identification, at European level, of the methodological approaches, didactical solutions and various strategies that demonstrated to be effective in answering to the barriers mentioned above and making sciences and Chemistry more attractive and understandable;

- Development of a common strategy for the promotion of Life Long Learning of scientific subjects in Europe

Time period:
march 2010 - october 2010

Description of activities carried out:
1) Creation of the first draft of the national report on lifelong learning of scientific subjects, presented at the first project meeting (Genoa, Italy 15-16 March 2010)
2) Production of the national report on the basis of the data collected in the framework of WP2 (documents and strategies) and the analysis of the case studies.
The National Report explains the situation existing in Italy focusing on:
· the main barriers that affect the success of Life Long Learning in scientific subjects, highlighting the main causes of the lack of interest of students and learners for Chemistry;
· the analysis of the initiatives, methodological approaches, didactical solutions that demonstrated to be effective in overcoming the barriers identified above;
· the analysis of National and Regional strategies to promote Life Long Learning of scientific subjects.
Finally, the report contains a strategy proposal to promote the diffusion of scientific subjects, chemistry in particular.

1) Production of the first draft of transnational report on the basis of the national reports produced by the six project partners. The draft follows the same format of the r and provides a preliminary analysis and evaluation about life long learning of scientific subjects in Europe.
It is focused on:
· the main barriers that affect the success of Life Long Learning in scientific subjects in Europe;
· the analysis of the initiatives, methodological approaches, didactical solutions and strategies that demonstrated to be effective in overcoming the barriers identified above.
Finally it summarize the strategy proposals of each project partners
2) Sending of the first draft of the transnational report to each project partner.

1) Production of the final version of the transnational report on the basis of the comments sent by the project partners and of the discussion carried out in Berlin during the second project meeting. It summarizes the most important information provided by the national reports and shows the comparison among the lifelong learning of scientific subjects in the six Countries
2) Production of a document entitled: 'Strategy Proposal' . It has been written by keeping in consideration the results emerged from national and transnational reports and the agreement reached among partners during the 2nd project meeting.
The strategy proposal is focused on the need of improving and increasing the teaching methodologies and the training of teachers at each level: from primary school teachers to secondary school teachers. The organism charged of training teachers should be the University

- The national report provides a careful analysis concerning the life long learning of scientific subjects in Italy and contains a first draft of strategy proposal
- The transnational report summarizes the most important information collected by partners about the barriers that affect the success of LLL of scientific subjects and the approaches that makes sciences and chemistry more attractive and understandable.
- An excellent agreement about a common strategy for the promotion of LLL of scientific subjects in Europe has been reached among partners.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The analysis of the LLL of scientific subjects is rigorous and deep and allowed to produce a strategy proposal of high level

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